Trump administration wants social media to police protesters

Trump administration wants social media to police protesters

Trump administration wants social media to police protesters.

The Donald Trump administration has sent letters to social media companies demanding that they take out post that supports people to bring down white supremacy statues in America,also they should remove post that encourages violence and breaking of curfew.

In the letter sent to some of the major social platforms in US ,the letter was sent to Alphabet which is the head company of google, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Snap and others.
The letters was sent by the acting secretary of home land security, the motion came after some protesters have taken down statues of white slave traders.

According to the verge,the letter obtained by them read that 
Wolf who is the acting chairman of Department Homeland Security(DHS),claims that crimes such as burglary, arson, aggravated assault, riotting, looting, and defacing public property are caused as result of the people using social media platforms as a tool to plan, organize and effectuate these plans. 

Despite the new letter that has been sent to these companies, they all have their policies which prohibits violence, robbery and discrimination.
This letter passed out ,was given after twitter labelled Donald Trump's tweets as a tweet promoting violence, but Facebook refused to take out the post of the president  promoting violence.Their action led to protesting workers, who wanted the post to taken out of facebook, but some of the workers who protested ended up being sacked by Mark Zuckerberg. 
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