Who says pandemic is far from over in sub Sahara africa

Image credit:reuters
The W.H.O says that the pandemic is far from over because of it worries for children.

The world health organisation said on Monday that the pandemic ravaging the world is far from over and still disrupting normal health services and life saving immunisation in the poor countries.

WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced in geneva that a lot more has to be done in order to tackle the novel covid-19,According to him, 
"We have a long road ahead of us and a lot of work to do. "
Added that there would be a second wave around the world if safety precautions are neglected and the right actions are not taken.

Tedros said that the health of children around the world was severely threatened by the novel corona virus pandemic due to it impact on the vaccination programme for other diseases.he said that children maybe at relatively low risk from severe impact on their health by the novel corona virus which is the respiration complications caused by covid-19 and other illness which can be prevented by vaccine.

He continued;
"some 13 million people have been affected worldwide by delays in regular immunisations against disease including polio,meningtis,cholera,measles and yellow fever.
"shortage o vaccines against other diseases are reported in 21 countries as a result of border restrictions disruptions to travel caused by the covid-19 pandemic.

One of WHO top expert for emergencies Dr Mike Ryan asked about some US restrictions lifting and cited that for the US government to be able to make such moves they must have had a clearly laid out plan to tackle the virus.

Ryan said; 
"The federal government and the system of governors are working together to move America and it's people through this difficult situation."

According to Reuter's recent tally the novel corona virus has infected 2.97 million people and have claimed 205,948 lives around the world.

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